Apuntes sobre pino oregon. Regeneración natural de la especie

Vol. 3 Núm. 1 (1989) / Apuntes

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Ute Kannegiesser Schuh


El objetivo de este trabajo es entregar antecedentes generales sobre la especie Pino Oregón (Pseudotsuga menziesii), haciendo referencia a temas como su producción y dispersión de semillas y métodos aplicables para su regeneración natural.


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Allen, G.S. & OWENS, J.N. (1972). The Iife history of Douglas-fir. Can. For. Serv. Ottawa, Canada. 139 p.

Brix, H. (1970). Effect of light intensity on growth of western hemlock and Douglas-fir seedlings. Can. For. Serv. Bi-monthly Res. Note. Pp: 34-35.

Brun, W.R. (1963). Análisis fustal y mecánico de un pino oregón. Tesis Ingeniería Forestal. Universidad Austral de Chile, Fac. Cs. For. Valdivia, Chile. 61 p.

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Eis, S. (1973). Cone production of Douglas-fir and grand-fir and its climatic requirements. USDA, Forest Service. Research Paper PNW-217. 6 p. https://doi.org/10.1139/x73-009

Fowells, H.A. (1965). Silvics of forest tres of the United States. USDA. Agricultural Handbook N° 217. 762 p.

Franklin, J.F. (1963). Natural regeneration of Douglas-fir and associated species using modified cIear-cutting system in the Oregon Cascades. USDA, Forest Service. Research Paper PNW-3. 14 p. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.94171

Garman, E.H. (1955). Regeneration problems and their silvicultural significance in the coastal forests of British Columbia. BC. For. Serv. Tech. Publ. T 41. 67 p.

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Hermann. R.K. & Chilcote, W.W. (1965). Effeets of seed beds on germination and survival of Douglas-fir. Oregon State University. For. Res. Lab. Res. Paper 4. Corvallis. 28 p.

Isaaac, L.A. (1943). Reproductive habits of Douglas-fir. Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry Foundation. Washington., 107 p.

Isaaac, L.A. & Dimock, E.J. II. (1958). Silvical characteristics of Douglas-fir var. Menziesii. USDA, Forest $ervice. PNW Silvical Series N° 9.

Lawrence, H.B. & Rediske, J.H. (1962). Fate of sown Douglas-fir seed. For. Sci., 8. Pp: 210-218.

McDonald, P. M. (1976). Forest regeneration and seedling growth from five major cutting methods in north-central California. USDA, Forest Service. Res.Paper PSW-115. 10 p.

McDonald, P. M. (1980). Seed dissemination in small clearcuttings in north central California. USDA, Forest Service. Res. Paper PSW-150. 5 p. https://doi.org/10.2737/PSW-RP-150

Miller. R.E. & Wert, S. (1979). Effects of soil and foliar application of nitrogen fertilizers on a 20-year-old Douglas-fir stand. USDA, Forest service. Res. Note PNW-329. 12 p.

Mlnore, D. (1971). Shade benefits Douglas-fir in southwestern Oregon cutover area. Tree Planter's Note, 22(1): 22-23.

Mlnore, D. (1987). Madrone duff and the natural regeneration of Douglas-fir. USDA, Forest Service. Res. Note PNW-RN-456. 7 p. https://doi.org/10.2737/PNW-RN-456

Purltch, G.S. (1972). Cone production in conifers. Can. For. Serv. lnform. Rep. BC-X-65. 94 p.

Reukema, D.L. (1982). Seed fall in a young-growth Douglas-fir stand: 1950-1978. Can. Jour. For. Res.,12(2): 249-254. https://doi.org/10.1139/x82-037

Rodriguez, G. (1975). Antecedentes sobre tres especies forestales exóticas en la provincia de Malleco. Tesis Técnico Forestal. Universidad de Concepción. LosAngeles, Chile.135 p.

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Strothmann, R.O. (1972). Douglas-fir in northern California: effects of shade on gerrnination. Survival and growth. USDA, Forest Service. Res. Paper PSW-84. 10 p.

Worthington, N.P. (1953). Reproduction following small group cuttings in virgin Douglas-fir. USDA, Forest Service. Res. Note PNW-84. 5 p.


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