Evaluación de la investigación forestal. Una visión general
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La evaluación de los programas de investigación se hace cada día más necesaria, ya que existe una creciente necesidad por justificar las inversiones y por demostrar que los fondos asignados son efectiva y eficientemente empleados. Este trabajo presenta divesas alternativas para la evaluación de proyectos o programas de investigación, analizando cada una desde el punto de vista forestal. Del análisis se concluye que la evaluación de proyectos de investigación forestal presenta mayores complicaciones que los de otras áreas, principalmente por la dificultad que existe para cuantificar sus beneficios.
Bare, B. & Loveless, R. (1985). An Overview of the Regional Forest Nutrition Research Proyect. In: Forestry Research Evaluation: Current Progress, Future Directions. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-I04. Pp: 52-61.
Bengston, D.N. (1983). Forestry Rescarch Evaluations: an example. In: Hyde, W.F. & Durham, N.C. (Eds). Economic Evaluation of Investment in Forestry Research. The Acorn Press. Pp: 62-68.
Bengston, D.N. (1985). Aggregate Returns to Lumber and Wood Products Research: An Index Number Approach. In: Forestry Research Evaluation: Current Progress, Future Directions. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-I04. Pp: 62-68.
Bengston, D.N. (1986). Agricultural Rescarch Evaluation. In: Alternative Approaches to Forestry Research Evaluations: An Assessment. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-110. Pp: 7-12.
Burns, O.P. (Ed). (1986). Proceedings. IUFRO Evaluation and Planning of Forestry Research. USDA, Forest Service, Northeastern Station. NE-GTR-111. 156 p. https://doi.org/10.2737/NE-GTR-111
Callaham, Z. (1981). Criteria for Deciding About Forestry Research Projrams. USDA, Forest Service. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO-29. Washington DC. 52 p. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.94386
Callaham, Z. (1986). Evaluating Forestry Research: An Overview. In: Proc. IUFRO Evaluation and Planning of Forestry Research. USDA, Forest Service, Northeastern Station. NE-GTR-111. Pp: 67-82.
Fedkiw, J. (1985). Research Evaluation and Policymaking. In: Forestry Research Evaluation: Current Progress, Future Directions. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-104. Pp: 5-9.
Fege, A. (1985). Research Evaluation techniques Applied to a Case Study of Short Rotation Forestry. In: Forestry Research Evaluation: Current Progress, Future Directions. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-104. Pp: 82-90.
Hyde, W.F. (1985). A Proposed Forestry Research Evaluation Program. In: Forestry Research Evaluation: Current Progress, Future Directions. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-104. Pp: 34-48.
Hyde, W.F. (1986). Gains from public Forestry Research: Methods and case studies in Biological Forestry and Forest Utilization. In: Proceedings of Working Party 54.05-05 Valuation of Forestry Research. Forestry Science Serving Society XVIII IUFRO World Congress. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. 12 Sept., 1986. 12 p.
Jakes, P. & Leatherberry, E.C. (Compilers). (1986). Alternative Approaches to Forestry Research Evaluations: An Assessment. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-110. 32 p. https://doi.org/10.2737/NC-GTR-110
Lundgren, A.L. (1983). Methods for Evaluating Forestry Research: A Prospectus. In: Hyde, W.F. (Ed). Economic Evaluation of Investments in Forestry Research. The Acorn Press. Durham NC. Pp: 12-22.
Lundgren, A.L. (1986). A Brief History of Forestry Research Evaluation in the United States. In: Proceedings. IUFRO Evaluation and Planning of Forestry Reseach. USDA, Forest Service, Northeastern Station. General Technical Report NE-111. Pp: 83- 96.
Norton, G.S. & Davis, G.S. (1981). Evaluating Returns to AgriculturaI Research: A review. Am. J. Agric. Econ., 63. Pp: 685-699. https://doi.org/10.2307/1241211
Risbrudt, C.D. & Jakes, P.J. (compilers). (1985). Forestry Research Evaluation Current Progress, Future Directions. USDA, Forest Service, NorthCentral Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-104. https://doi.org/10.2737/NC-GTR-104
Seldon, B.J. (1983). Approaches to Investigating the Productivity of Investments in Forestry Research. In: Hyde, W.F. (Ed). Economic Evaluation of Investments in Forestry Research. The Acorn Press. Durham, NC. Pp: 23-52.
Shafer, E.L. & Davis, O.J. (1983). USDA, Forest Service. Research Program 1985-1030. Summary of Benefits and Cost. Doc. N° 00025 and N° 00045.
Skok. R. (1985). Reflections on Forestry Research Evaluation. In: Forestry Research Evaluation: Current Progress, Future Directions. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-104. Pp: 19-20.
Smith, J .H.G. & Lessard, G. (1971). Forest Resources Research in Canada. Current Status. Adequacy. Desirable and Future Development. Background Study for the Science Council of Canada, Special Study N° 14. Ottawa. Information Canada.p.204.
Stier, J. (1985). Summary: Productivity Impacts of Tree Improvement Research In The North Central Region. In: Forestry Research Evaluation: Current Progress, Future Directions. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-104. 116 p.
Westgate, R.A. & Bengston. D.N. (1986). Other Approaches to Research Evaluation. ln: Alternative Approaches to Forestry Research Evaluation: An Assessment. USDA, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-110. Pp: 19-20.
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